Thursday, November 8, 2012

Time Off

I'm taking some time off.  Since I'm finally off crutches and walking in a boot, I'm going to travel.   I'll be helping my brother move from Texas to South Carolina, which is awesome because I get to watch Alabama football with my sister and other extended family. 

Later in the month, I'm headed to Birmingham for my grandfather's surprise 80th birthday party.  We're gonna hold a quick promotion ceremony for me too.  So, that will be a good time.

Finally, for Thanksgiving, the hubs is frying up a turkey.  Our first meat meal since deciding to go plant-based back in April.  Can't wait for leftover, cold turkey sandwiches!

The Christmas season promises to be super busy as well, so I'm signing off until the New Year.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Stand Down for Veteran Homeless

One in Four Homeless are Veterans.

National Novel Writing Month is in full swing. I'm a little over 11,000 words into the second novel of a romantic spy trilogy that deals with Veteran issues.  This particular one, Shelter, explores Veteran Homelessness.  

Stand Downs are one part of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ efforts to provide services to homeless veterans.  They are collaborative events, coordinated between local VAs, other government agencies, and community agencies who serve the homeless.  

Stand Downs provide services to homeless Veterans such as food, shelter, clothing, health screenings, VA and Social Security benefits counseling, and referrals to a variety of other necessary services, such as housing, employment and substance abuse treatment.  

In November, Chicago, San Antonio, Binghamton and Fort Worth are holding Stand Downs.  If you wish to be a part of a Stand Down, the contacts are below.  If you wish to contribute to the VFW, please use the donate link to the left.

Nov 9     Chicago                     POC:  Jeanne Douglas 708-383-3225
Nov 9     San Antonio              POC:  Jerry Rangel 210-616-9915
Nov 13   Binghamton, NY        POC:   Adam Ormsby 315-425-4428 
Nov 14,  Fort Worth                 POC:  Linda Saucedo 214-927-4501

Thursday, November 1, 2012

NaNoWriMo & Veterans - Starts Today

National Novel Writing Month starts today -- one novel, 50000 words in 30 days.  And one of my buddies has already written 2500 words!  I've written 25.  Yep, that's it.  
At the last minute, I decided to write a different novel than the one I planned -- this one is the second of a trilogy and is a romantic thriller dealing with Veteran homelessness and unemployment.   But I'm determined.  Vague plotline is done.  Working on outline and will have first scene done before midnight.  Then maybe I can knock out the second right after midnight.  

Either way, I'll finish this one in 30 days.  So, happy writing and good luck to the 100K+ other writers out there trying to accomplish the same thing!

Oh, and for my novel this month I'm collecting donations for the VFW and a little elementary school in Tennessee.  If I don't finish the novel, I match the funds.  If I do, I'll end up matching anyway but the competition is motivating.  Those who donate win the chance at a NYTimes Bestseller or an Amazon Kindle so please play along.